Google has stepped up its fight against banning Google Glasses while driving. See below for more.
When can a police officer break traffic laws?
“when operated with due regard for safety under the direction of the
police in the chase or apprehension of violators of the law or of
persons charged with or suspected or any such violation.”
See below for more.
When does the 3 year period start for a Prayer for Judgment? For insurance purposes, the insurance industry looks at the date of occurrence. So if you received a Prayer for Judgment on 2/24/14 for a ticket you received on 12/1/13, the insurance company looks at the 12/1/13 date. You can continue the case for years and it will not make a difference. However, the DMV looks at the entry of judgment date. For DMV purposes, continuing a case may be advantages.
Insurance points are another consequence of a traffic ticket beyond the cost of the ticket. See below for more.
Under the new law passed in December 2013, you cannot get a Prayer for Judgment if you are guilty of passing a stopped school bus. In addition, there is a minimum $500 fine plus court costs.
See below for more.
Improper Equipment is a non moving violation that carries no points. In NC this will not go on your record and will not be reported out of state. See below for more.
The NCDMV can and will suspend your license for an out of state ticket if that ticket would cause you to be revoked if you received that same ticket in North Carolina.
If your license is revoked in NC, you may be eligible for a limited driving privilege if you have had a compliance period of anywhere from 90 days to 2 years depending on the length of your suspension. Please note, if you are suspended indefinitely, you cannot get a limited privilege until all ticket have been resolved.
See below for more.
Lost of snow on the roads today. Drive carefully. See below for tips on driving in the snow.
The Law requires you to pull over to the right when an emergency vehicles is sounding it's siren and flashing lights. Even if it is on the other side of the street.
See the attached article for more.